
Bulk Editing of Posts

If I need to move several Posts at one time, I currently have to do them one at a time. So imagine have to move 6 different channels (Posts) that are on the calendar for a week and I need to move all of them to the following week. Further imagine if I need to move an entire “series” of posts (i.e. I have 10 weeks of postings, over 5 days each week on 6 different channels) down one week. Creating a “Open” week before a series begins. Currently I’d have to move each post one at a time, week by week. Working with Posts as a “Batch” as well as Indivdually is critical for those of us using Buffer and posting dozens of posts at a time over longer periods. (which I assume is the whole point of using a tool like Buffer) Please look into this let those of us who posts a lot of posts, frequently know when you can update this process.